There are many ways you can support the work of Bridges. You could:

If you have free time on a Saturday or Monday, and would like to get involved, please send an e-mail to expressing your interest, and we will reply back shortly.
Make a financial contribution
As a voluntary run organisation, all donations goes directly to the service user. You will be sponsoring our clients to have a hot breakfast within our warm and accommodating environment and supporting our group focused life skills and confidence building activities on Monday. To donate to Bridges, please send us an email to We are thankful for any contribution that you are able to make.
Donate clothes, toiletries, food
Clothes, food, towels and toiletries are all needed and used by Bridges users. Send us a message of what you would like to bring and when, then just drop by on a Saturday or a Monday with your gift.
If you have any questions, or would like to discuss how to get involved, please send a message to